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Save the KING this weekend! October 17th – October 20th

Conquer the enemy castle in Save the KING!


It’s time to Save the KING!

Be the first to defeat an enemy, or defeat the enemy KING to don the legendary soccer ball and become the KING!

Once the ball is on the pitch it’s time to start your offense! Work together to get the KING into the enemy castle and score a goal to win.

If the timer runs out, the team with KING wins.

*Please note that the opening times will be as seen below

Time in EST/EDT
EST Thursday, October 17th at 8:00 pm – Sunday, October 20th at 8:00 pm
UTC Friday, October 18th at 12:00 am – Monday, October 21st at 12:00 am
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「Save the KING」モード開催告知!10月18日(金) ~ 10月20日(日)

今週末は「Save the KING」が開催予定!

Save the KING」モードで勝利するには、味方チームの王様になったプレイヤーを敵城に入城させましょう!

というわけで今回は サッカーボールタイプの王様です。



イベント名 「Save the King」
開催期間 10月18日(金) 9:00 ~ 10月21日(月) 9:00
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Super Premium Item Festival! October 17th – October 24th

This week’s Limited Campaign is the Super Premium Item Festival!

In Happy Cards Limited Edition, your chance of opening a Super Premium Item outside of Happy Time is doubled!!


The probability of obtaining a Super Premium Item is normally 100% during Happy Time, and 7% outside of Happy Time. However, during this campaign, the chance of getting a Super Premium Item outside of Happy Time is increased to 14%!

This is your best chance to collect some evolvable items! Don’t miss this week’s Happy Cards Limited Edition!

*Please note that “Super Premium Item Festival” will not be applied to the normal Happy Cards.

Super Premium Item Festival Campaign Duration
EST October 17th at 5:00 am – October 24th at 4:59 am
UTC October 17th at 9:00 am – October 24th at 8:59 am
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ハッピーカード・リミテッド エディションにて、お得なキャンペーン実施中です!


この機会にハッピーカード・リミテッド エディションを試してみましょう。


キャンペーン名 「スーパープレミアムアイテム祭り」
開催期間 10月17日(木) 18:00 ~ 10月24日(木) 17:59
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・「タイプシール」:ハッピーカードやハッピーカード・リミテッド エディションで必ずその職業のアイテムを入手できる
いずれも Happy Wars をさらに楽しむために役立つこと間違いなしです!

Happy Wars イチの豊富な品揃えで店員一同お待ちしておりますので、


キャンペーン名 「アイテムショップセール」
開催期間 10月17日(木) 18:00 ~ 10月24日(木) 17:59
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Item Shop Sale! October 17th – October 24th

Item Shop Sale on now!

All items purchasable with Happy Tickets in the Item Shop are currently 25% off!

Enjoy a fabulous selection of items that includes Magic Keys, which are super master keys for locked treasure boxes, Type Stickers that allow you to receive a specific class’s items in Happy Cards and Happy Cards Limited Edition, as well as various Premium Membership deals which grant special privileges.

This is the perfect opportunity to try out the many different kinds of items in the Item Shop!

Does not apply to Star Market.

Item Shop Sale Campaign Duration
EST October 17th at 5:00 am – October 24th at 4:59 am
UTC October 17th at 9:00 am – October 24th at 8:59 am
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12年ありがとう! 『Happy Wars』 12周年を記念した特別なキャンペーンを開催!


2012年10月12日にXbox 360版をリリースした『Happy Wars』は、12周年を迎えました。『Happy Wars』を遊んでくださったすべてのユーザーの皆さまに、心より感謝を申し上げます。12周年を記念して今週は特別なキャンペーンを開催いたします。

ユーザーの皆さまがハッピーになり『Happy Wars』をもっと楽しめるおトクな内容がテンコ盛りなので、ぜひご参加ください。12年間、ゲームを長く遊んでいただき本当にありがとうございます。これからも、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!

【その1】ハッピーカード・リミテッド エディション50%オフキャンペーン

ハッピーカード・リミテッド エディションが50%オフで引けるめったにない大チャンス!


最後は本日2024年10月10日18時より10月17日17時59分まで、プレイしているユーザーの中から抽選で12人に1212枚ハッピーチケットをプレゼント! 大量のチケットが当たるチャンスが毎日開催します。当たっているかお見逃しなく!

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Happy Wars 12th Anniversary Campaigns!

Happy Wars is now 12 years old!

Hey there Happy people! This is the Management Team!

12 years have passed since Happy Wars launched on Xbox 360!
Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed Happy Wars with us until now.

For our 12th anniversary we’re hosting a big week of campaigns!
You don’t turn 12 everyday so let’s all get Happy!

12th Anniversary Campaigns

50% OFF on Happy Cards Limited Edition!

Happy Cards Limited Edition is 50% OFF all week!!

12 Lucky Winners get the Jackpot!

Anyone who logs in between 9:00 am Thursday, October 10th and 8:59 am Thursday, October 17th (UTC) has a chance to be one of 12 players who will receive 1212 Happy Tickets!

Celebrate with us the only way we know how!
Party hard, and party HAPPY!!

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Prepare yourself for the Special Challenge! October 3rd – October 6th

Get Ready for the Special Challenge This Weekend!

Special Challenge is a mode where you cooperate with other players to defeat powerful bosses.

Collect Coop Points by working together with your allies and aiding the team. With Coop Points, you can receive rare and spectacular rewards!

The Allfather has descended and he’s not alone! Face down Odin’s army with your own team of Happy soldiers and send the one-eyed brute back from whence he came!
Don’t expect this to be easy—this challenge will truly be a special one!

Battle Odin in the Special Challenge this weekend!

*Opening times are as seen below

Opening times
EST Thursday, October 3rd at 7 pm – Sunday, October 6th at 7 pm
Thursday, October 10th at 7 pm – Sunday, October 13th at 7 pm
UTC Friday, October 4th at 12 am – Monday, October 7th at 12 am
Friday, October 11th at 12 am – Monday, October 14th at 12 am
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Get Monster Slayer Buff Gems! October 3rd – October 17th

Power up with Monster Slayer!

Monster Slayer Buff Gems are available in Happy Cards Limited Edition right now!
Monster Slayer raises your damage against special enemies like bosses to absurd levels! And of course, popping two or more onto your weapon increases the damage even further!
If you want amazing rewards and a lot of Co-op Points, make sure you grab this powerful buff!

Once the season ends, it’ll change into a popular buff!

Once the season ends, Monster Slayer will turn into a different but popular buff.
Even without a special boss to use it on, Monster Slayer will still give you a huge edge in battle! It doesn’t get much better than this!

・HP & AP Limit Up Lv3
・Intensify HP
・Reduce Status Effect


  • *Please note that this campaign does not affect normal Happy Cards.

Monster Slayer Campaign Duration

October 3rd at 5:00 am – October 17th at 4:59 am


October 3rd at 9:00 am – October 17th at 8:59 am