Happy Cards Bargain Campaign! July 1st - July 8th
2021-07-01 18:00:39Cleric Revival Snatch Campaign! June 24th – July 1st
2021-06-24 18:00:56Get Ready for Domination! June 24th – June 27th
2021-06-24 18:00:56Item Shop Sale! June 24th – July 1st
2021-06-24 18:00:44Save the DEMON KING this weekend! June 17th – June 20th
2021-06-17 18:00:55Item Level Boost Campaign! June 17th – June 24th
2021-06-17 18:00:52Up! Up! Level-Up Campaign! June 17th – June 24th
2021-06-17 18:00:51Prepare yourself for the Special Challenge! June 10th - June 13th
2021-06-10 18:00:14Get Monster Slayer Buff Gems! June 3rd - June 17th
2021-06-03 18:00:59Prepare yourself for the Special Challenge! June 3rd - June 6th
2021-06-03 18:00:54