Item Shop Sale! May 12th - May 19th
2022-05-12 18:00:29Save the DEMON KING this weekend! May 5th – May 8th
2022-05-05 18:00:25Item Level Boost Campaign! May 5th – May 12th
2022-05-05 18:00:20Up! Up! Level-Up Campaign! May 5th – May 12th
2022-05-05 18:00:15Get Monster Slayer Buff Gems! April 21st - May 5th
2022-04-21 18:00:59Mega Statue Campaign! April 21st - May 5th
2022-04-21 18:00:55Item Box Rewards Upgrade Bonanza! April 21st - May 5th
2022-04-21 18:00:51Prepare yourself for the Special Challenge! April 21st - April 24th
2022-04-21 18:00:02Win Glory in the Colosseum! April 14th – April 21st
2022-04-14 18:00:25Gladiator Buff Campaign! April 14th – April 21st
2022-04-14 18:00:21