Gladiator Buff Campaign! August 8th – August 15th

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Gladiator Buff Campaign! August 8th – August 15th

The Gladiator Buff Campaign features buffs specially selected for gladiators!

Check out Happy Cards Limited Edition to get special buffs perfect for use in the Colosseum!
Gladiator buffs guaranteed during Happy Time!

The Gladiator Buff Campaign includes popular buffs such as Fast Attack, Mobility Speed Up Lv3 and Intensify AP!
Get the best buffs while you can!

Conquer the Colosseum with the Gladiator Buff Campaign—only in Happy Cards Limited Edition!

Gladiator Buff List

Buff Name Item Type
Warrior Slayer Weapon
Mage Slayer Weapon
Attack Reach Up Weapon
Fast Attack Weapon
Fast Smash Weapon
Lightning Enchant Effect Weapon
Anti-Warrior Aid Armor
Anti-Mage Aid Armor
Lightning Resistance Lv3 Armor
Smash Resistance Lv3 Armor
Mobility Speed Up Lv3 Armor
Fast Blizzard Helmet
Fast Heal Helmet
Quick Rocketman Helmet
Intensify AP Helmet
Intensify HP Helmet
Max HP Cheer Helmet
Fast Guard Attack Shield
Spartan Uppercut Shield
Guard Attack Up Lv3 Shield
Uppercut Power-Up Lv3 Shield
Conserve AP Lv3 Accessory
Shorten Cooldown Lv3 Accessory
Parameter Boost Lv3 Accessory


*Please note that the Premium Buff Gem Campaign will not be applied to normal Happy Cards.

Buff Gem Blowout Campaign Duration
EST August 8th at 5:00 am – August 15th at 4:59 am
UTC August 8th at 9:00 am – August 15th at 8:59 am