“Item Design Contest Round 2” Concept Art for Second Prize and Special Jury Prize!

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“Item Design Contest Round 2” Concept Art for Second Prize and Special Jury Prize!

Thank you for waiting!
The concept art for the Second Prize winners and the Special Jury Prize winner of “Item Design Contest Round 2” just arrived!
Let us start with the Second Prize winners. Today we bring the three remaining designs.

First, the Warrior by “dante5I”, which comes from an ancient myth, the Cleric by “SAT V12”, who travels from Asia to all over the world, and the Mage by “Inactive Raptor 8”, which resembles a Hydra, the poisonous multi-headed serpent!

– Second Prize –

Player : dante5I

Player : SAT V12

Player : InactiveRaptor8

Now, the concept art for the Special Jury Prize winner.
The Warrior by “DaRKCRUSADEr089”, which is fully coated with sweet candies.

– Special Jury Prize –

Player : DaRKCRUSADEr089

This equip will not appear in the game since no one can attack this cute warrior, but we will send the concept art by our Art Director to the player.

Congratulations for the contest winners!
Users from the world, we will show you the 3D designs very soon, so please wait for a little longer.