To users who were unable to receive the 6th anniversary login bonuses
2018-10-18 18:00:02Get Ready for Domination! October 11th – October 14th
2018-10-11 18:02:25Cleric Revival Snatch Campaign! October 11th – October 18th
2018-10-11 18:01:19Item Shop Sale! October 11th – October 18th
2018-10-11 18:00:52Colosseum Mode duration display issue
2018-10-10 16:00:03Happy Wars 6th Anniversary!
2018-10-04 18:04:12Colosseum Mode - 6th Anniversary Celebration Cup! October 4th - October 11th
2018-10-04 18:03:216th Anniversary Login Bonus Week! October 4th - October 11th
2018-10-04 18:02:12Ultra Version II Item Festival! October 4th - October 11th
2018-10-04 18:01:31Item Shop Sale! October 4th – October 11th
2018-10-04 18:00:24Save the DEMON KING this weekend! September 27th – September 30th
2018-09-27 18:02:24Item Level Boost Campaign! September 27th – October 4th
2018-09-27 18:01:22Up! Up! Level-Up Campaign! September 27th – October 4th
2018-09-27 18:00:23Prepare yourself for the Special Challenge!
2018-09-20 18:03:18Get Monster Slayer Buff Gems! September 20th – September 27th
2018-09-20 18:02:13Mega Statue Campaign! September 20th – September 27th
2018-09-20 18:01:11Item Box Rewards Upgrade Bonanza! September 20th – September 27th
2018-09-20 18:00:09