Save the SANTA December 22 ~ January 5

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Save the SANTA December 22 ~ January 5

“Save the SANTA” is in session!

In this game mode, Victory is declared when the SANTA infiltrates the enemy’s castle!
The first player to kill an enemy becomes the SANTA! After that, whoever kills the SANTA becomes the next SANTA.
You can enter a “Save the SANTA” match by clicking on the main menu signboard!
By playing “Save the SANTA” you can get one of the following limited items as a prize! Don’t miss it!


Class Item Type Item Name
Cleric Helmet Honey Hungry Bear
Cleric Armor Grizzly Bear Suit
Cleric Weapon Hornet’s Hive
Cleric Shield Quality Honey Shield
Warrior Helmet Demonic Helm
Warrior Armor Demonic Armor
Warrior Weapon Dragon Bone Crusher
Warrior Shield Teak Shield

Available until UTC January 5